jueves, 13 de julio de 2017

I just wanna be part of your symphony

  • Got lost in an airport 
  • Helped a drunk british girl not to pass out at 7am (by playing K. Clarkson's "Since You've Been Gone") 
  • Swam to some sugar daddy's sailing boat 
  • Got sunburned from a 2h siesta at the beach 
  • Confronted some catcallers
  • Tried horchata for the first time
I'd kill to have these ladies (and Diego and Luis) around me all year long, but when you only have a week, you gotta live it to the fullest...
Here's a video of what we did these last couple days. Hope you enjoy it!

sábado, 10 de junio de 2017

365 days

A "goodbye"
A 25 hour flight
A donut in Madrid
A "welcome home"
A lot of hugs, "we've missed you"
Jet lag
A visit to my old high school, "next year is going to be tough"
A party at the beach
Jet lag again
A sleepover
A concert
A couple more parties
A heartbreak (why not)
A lot of "hey, you're the girl who was in America last year!"
Meeting an American in Spain
A rainy august
Latin lessons
A couple lost friends
A weird September
Back to school
"College, college, college"
New people
New teachers
A couple tears on the first week
Philosophy, Latin, Art History, Spanish, Galician, English, Spain History, Music History, Sociology
A crazy Halloween
My last "magosto" as a high schooler
A crazy Christmas
A crazy New Year's (with 15cm heels on all night included), "hey, do you know my friend Celia?"
Many "I miss you"s
Many mornings studying at the cafeteria with Sheila
My 18th birthday
My last carnival as a high schooler
A trip to Greece with friends
A McDonald's breakfast 8 months later
Getting locked in with a drunk Asian on an elevator in Athens
Claudia putting conditioner on her face thinking it was moisturizer
Vera turning into Bepa
An overdose of Moussaka
Getting back, catching up
A lot of late nights studying
A few anxiety attacks
The loss of a loved one
A trip to Portugal
First beach day of the year
Finding a Subway restaurant 10 months later
A crazy night
Meeting another American
More studying
Graduating with a good GPA
Meeting another American
Another party at the beach (and again with 15cm heels on, not a good idea)
A set of watercolors
2 weeks at home doing nothing but studying
A video chat with Zarria from Arizona
ABAU (aka 3 days of taking the tests that will take me into college)

Today marks one year since the best 10 months of my life ended. Today also marks the end of the worst school year I've ever had.

sábado, 25 de junio de 2016

Travel bug. || "I'm not leaving because I hate you. I'm leaving because I love myself"

You see the world, try new things, meet new people, fall in love, visit amazing places, learn about other cultures – then it’s all over. People always talk about leaving, but what about coming home?

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Llega a mi reja y me mira por la noche un majo... || District and State Music Festival

Tras un par de entradas con consejos, aquí vuelvo con mis aventuras. Esta vez, te hablare de mis ultimas experiencias musicales: los festivales del distrito y estatales. (Seguro que si has visto Glee, esto te suena al menos un poquito).

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

Now get ready for work! Part III: NYC, DC, Philadelphia

Y... Part III! New York City es impresionante. Washington DC es pura historia. Sigue leyendo si quieres saber más...
{Entrada en proceso de edición (y así se quedará un tiempo)}